Friday, October 15, 2021

One Minute Out--#68 finished

 This is the next in the Gray Man series.  This is one where he is no longer working for the CIA but is instead rogue.  He has a job to assassinate an old general from the Serbian war days.  Killing him he finds a bunch of women--young women that are being held & moved for the sex trade.  He gets involved with a lady that is trying to find her sister and follows this group killing off bad guys & eventually breaking up most of the group.  The top bad guys are helping US government though in other areas so he cannot kill them but does best to bust up.  Book ends with CIA picking him back up for his next job.  Good Gray Man stuff--action, smarts, travel all that.  A good series.

There are 17 WL for this book so will get posted on PBS at some point & send off.

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