Monday, July 18, 2022

Estranged--#66 finished

This is a memoir that was a tough read.  The author was physically but probably mostly emotionally abused by her dad.  It was not a constant thing though, at times he was loving & caring but blowups happened and really affected the author.  She was also dependent on her parents obviously growing up but also through college & grad school and some beyond.  Eventually though she cut off all contact with parents, a tough decision she made in order for her sanity & also because she started raising a family.  I am not sure I could do that and I am not sure that she convinced me in the book that it was necessary but this was her decision to make.  A tough read but one where try to put yourself in her shoes and then also into her parent's shoes--rough for everyone.

There are no copies in system so I will post this & see what happens.

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