This is one finished on vacation. This is the story of 2 families in Northern California--one white family that owned land with fruit trees and the other a Japanese family that immigrated to area and became their friends and worked the fruit trees. WWII happened and the Japanese family was sent to an internment camp--the oldest boy was able to enlist in the army and fought in Europe. The white family's boy fought in the Pacific and was killed. When the war was over the Japanese family did not move back but instead moved to Oakland. This story is told in the '60s by a cousin of white family by being an intermediary between the wives. An interesting story and interesting on how it was presented as well with the author also fighting his demons from Vietnam while also hearing about what really happened between the families. Good read.
There were no copies in system so I did go ahead and post this book, will see if it moves. It is a newer book from 2019 so I would expect it to be requested at some point yet.
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