Thursday, March 9, 2023

How to be Famous--#21 finished

 A sort of lite supposed to be fun book about a teenager that gets a job with a music magazine in London and moves up to a larger magazine.  All while her personal life is a lot of drinking and partying.  Also big time obsessing over an older singer that is her friend but she wants more.  Throw in a scandal and her becoming friends with a all female band and it is the 1990s, well there it is.  The beginning was enjoyable getting to know her but beyond that it was too much just suspend reality and I could do that enough to really enjoy the book.  It was okay but makes me wonder with so many books I have to read why did I pick this one.  I am still trying to figure that one out.

I have posted it on PBS, it is the only copy in the system so maybe will get requested some day.

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