The rest of the title is: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet can tell us about who we really are. This is a researcher that sounds like was one of the first to start looking into Big Data from the internet mostly. Looking at search results from Google and other sites and try to determine different facts. Interesting in that it really shows that people basically lie on surveys and on most everything compared to what they are saying and doing on the internet. He and other researchers can only look at the big data--cannot drill in to individual people but given data from other sources and then this data can see stark differences. Interesting in that a new way to do research but as he shows it is not perfect and need to look to other sources as well. This is a book that was leftover from one of my oldest's classes she had to take. Seems much more interesting than what I had to read back in college.
There are 12 WL for this book and will probably mail off at some point but again not in a big hurry right now.