Friday, December 22, 2023

Alpha and Omega--#107 finished

 This is the first book I have read by Harry Turtledove, as the book jacket states, he is an alternate history type writer.  I remember seeing one of his books that was something like if the Confederates had automatic weapons in the Civil War--something like that.  It didn't appeal to me & have sort of avoided his books since.  I am thinking I found this at a library sale so for 50 cents figured give it a shot.  It was an interesting book about the Israel and Jerusalem and what happens if a bunch of biblical stuff starts coming true.  Characters seem a little too simple and incapable to in depth thought it seems.  Still interesting story and some reactions.  Not sure if I will read another of his books but was still enjoyable even if was a long long book.

There is 1 WL for this book so I will probably post soon--maybe next week.  Avoiding this week since right before holiday and post office will be too busy for me.

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