Monday, December 11, 2023

The Search for Omm Sety--#106 finished

 A weird sort of book and person I guess too.  Omm Sety grew up as Dorothy Eady in England and after a near death experience as a 3 year old she had a sort of opening into Egyptian history.  This sort of evolved into believing she was a reincarnated lady of a temple of ancient Egypt.  An interesting read about her life and how she came to live very simply in a poor mud hut town next to the temple of her reincarnated self.  She also talked about meeting other spirits and the conversation and other things--yes sexual too.  She never went to college but worked for Egyptian scholars and was known to be extremely knowledgable about many things.  She helped several with translations and getting published and later in life was published herself.  She was a tour guide for the temple and a sort of helper to all that came to her.  A truly remarkable woman in many senses, even if you doubt the reincarnation part of her life.  The book gets bogged down at many points talking about the research going on and almost trying to over prove many of the beliefs of her life, not the easiest to get through but still interesting in an overall sense.

There were no copies in PBS system so I posted it once I finished & it has already been requested so I will get mailed off today or tomorrow.


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