Saturday, April 6, 2019

Terminal Freeze--#25 finished

This copy is a mass market paperback that I grabbed so I could read while out & then shove in a coat pocket.  I has also been on my shelf for a few years & wanted to get it read.  Scientists in Arctic discover a frozen beast/cat thing, the foundation/TV group that sponsored their research comes in & cuts the thing out leaving it in a chunk of ice.  They planned to melt it down on live TV to get huge ratings.  The thing gets out and they think someone unfroze it & stole the carcass but instead the thing got out & starts killing people.  Lots of what to do stuff.  Overall just really didn't like it and story drug on.  Characters basically not interesting.  Other than fact of convenience of reading while out & about, not much about this book I liked.  But did get it finished.

There are plenty of copies already on PBS so this one will just get donated away.  No reason to keep it.

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