Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Young Jane Young--#48 finished

I really enjoyed this book.  A young woman in college takes a volunteer position with the local congressman with several others.  Her family knows the congressman from before, they were neighbors but didn't really seem to get along, so Levin the congressman recognizes her & puts her on projects.  She is inspired to do well & helps in the office and eventually leads to an affair.  Her name becomes Monica Lewinsky like but 9/11 happens & she sort of falls away in the news.  But when applying to graduate schools or other jobs, her name & the scandal comes up on all the searches & she is stuck not finding anything.  They sort of jump ahead & she has changed her name & moved to Maine & is a single mother now.  Her daughter is old enough to start piecing things together.  A lot going on here & author doesn't answer everything, some you just have to guess.

There are still 26 WL for this book so will post it on PBS at some point & send off to the next.

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