Saturday, November 30, 2019

I'm Fine...and Other Lies--#78 finished

The author is a comedian but one that I haven't heard of before this book.  I guess she has also done some shows, acting, writing, etc.  This was a book I ordered from a person on PBS the wishlist multiples where books that have a WL are listed but only if you order multiple books--helps the sender save on postage.  I order like this throughout the year since my WL books only rarely get posted.  This is a way to use my credits so they just don't accumulate.  Also on these, I try to read & post back into the system to help that next person in line that I jumped--in a sense.  All that to explain how I ended up with a book by and about someone I didn't know.  Parts were funny and lots were just sad, she has gone through a lot and seems like therapy is helping her now at least--she talks about the more than several that came before the current one.  I will try to u-tube some of her standup routines & see what I think, I figured since I had the book, I would read it first.

There are 20 WL for the book so I will post it at some point & get in the mail.  It is a autographed copy but again doesn't really mean much to me since I don't really know who she is or at least was before I read her book.

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