Saturday, November 30, 2019

My Grandfather's Son--#80 finished

Clarence Thomas' memior that talks about his life right up to getting sworn in for the Supreme Court. I really knew very little of his background prior to being nominated.  I was in college during the first George Bush term and followed the news somewhat but not that close.  I remember Jack Danforth the MO senator was really leading the charge of his nomination and the whole Anita Hill part too.  I remember watching some of the hearings, I mostly remember the senators--Joe Biden, Pat Leahy and others & really basically disliking them.  Reading this book, I especially dislike Biden more--which is  funny because he has warmed to me over the years.  I also wanted to read this book after following the latest supreme court nomination fiasco with Bret Kavanaugh.  It is funny how it sounds so very similar to what Clarence Thomas went through--really makes you wonder if there is a playbook for the Democratic party on these things.  I do still wonder what is the real truth between Clarence Thomas & Anita Hill--Thomas is adamant in the book there was nothing & she was flat out lying.  I will need to see what if any statements she has had since then.

I will be keeping this book, no reason to send it off.  I thought it was a really interesting life and story of accomplishment on how he got to the Supreme Court.

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