Thursday, June 18, 2020

Sons and Daughters of Ease and Plenty--#49 finished

A different sort of story a young family that has always known money suddenly finding out their money is gone.  They have options but the stress of this gets to them.  The story jumps from growing up & meeting in the '60s to being married with three children in the '70s.  He sets up a dinner date that becomes a spouse swap but his wife didn't realize & then refuses.  She won't let him home that night & the next day she leaves a note and takes off on a cross country trip with a man she just met.  The husband joins with his dinner date lady and they decide to take a sailboat of his dads and sail off to the Bahamas or maybe farther.  Neither one knows what the other is doing.  Meanwhile the kids are at home, the 9 year old girl and twin boys around 5 I think.  The 9 year old gets them ready for school and they have their adventures at home but don't tell anyone because of horrible things they heard about orphanages.  All in all a good story, even if you struggle at times to like the characters.

There are 9 WL for the book so at some point will post it & mail it off.

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