Saturday, June 27, 2020

Sweeter Than Life--#56 finished

This looks like a kind of self published book, some editing issues with Ccapital letters--this happens through most of the book & sort of drove me crazy but became used to it.  A sort of coming of age story about a high school senior with special needs kids, divorced parents, bulimia, sex/relationships and drunk driving all thrown into the mix.  I enjoyed the story but the timeline was off for me.  The main character is a fast runner hoping to get a college scholarship but only runs a relay? and is a senior graduating in days & hoping to get that scholarship at a top university?.  If she is really that good of a runner I would think she would get offered something a plenty of division II or III type schools but she has only applied to the "best" schools--UCLA, Ohio State and Baylor are mentioned--very good schools but I don't see that as the best track schools.  So throw some of that out and you still have a pretty good story about a 17 year old girl growing up and accepting and working through life changes--new job, new friends, a boyfriend and family issues.

There are no copies on PBS but not sure if I will post it or not--it is a local author but I don't know her so no real reason to keep.  I checked Amazon and shows only 1 copy in their system & for like $45--don't understand that either.  At this point might as well keep it.

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