Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Why We Don't Suck--#89 finished

 A book by Denis Leary, I guess there was an earlier book Why We Suck: A Feel Good Guide to Staying Fat, Loud, Lazy and Stupid.  I had no idea he was a writer.  I know he was on a few shows/movies and always seemed to play a grating type person.  I didn't know he hosted award shows in past or really anything about him.  I thought it would be a quick sort of easy read when I bought it and it really was.  Nothing too much exciting, some normal bitching and stuff and some about his career.  I had bought it used so was cheap and read it because there was 1 WL for it on PBS.  I posted it but it was not accepted.  Now it sits on my bookshelf, I hope it goes away at some point.

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