Friday, April 5, 2024

Talking as Fast as I Can--#29 finished

A quick and easy read.  It is a sort of memoir or maybe a catching up with what she was doing book that she wrote in 2016.  She is an actress that starred in Gilmore Girls and Parenthood.  I did not watch either of these shows.  She basically wrote it while finishing up Parenthood and started shooting a Gilmore Girls revival of 4 shows in Netflix.  I think I saw one of those Gilmore Girls shows with my youngest after she binge watched the original series.  I am not sure why I picked up this book from the library sale and that was just a few weeks ago.  And also not sure why I selected this book to read of the hundreds sitting in my book room and around a chair in the basement.  I guess after reading On the Road and basically not liking it and still reading a book on Trump's Presidency, I was looking for something simple and easy and this fit right in.  It didn't take long to read either.

I have already posted it on PBS, there were already 2 copies in system and probably a few paperbacks too but it can sit on my PBS bookshelf for now.

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