Barack Obama has won the Presidential election tonight. I am really left with many feelings about this. I am just going to throw some of them out there & maybe expand on anything that hits.
--Republicans had this coming. GWB almost seemed like he quit fighting his low approval numbers. I don't believe he was an under 20% approval rating bad, but he did enough bad stuff that the Dems & media could pin it on him. I don't know if he wasn't out in the news because the election/primaries had started and he wanted to stay removed from them or if he had just kind of lost the will to fight back to save his & his administration's repuation.
--House & Senate Republicans really had this coming by taking on no leadership on cutting spending and pushing the idea of while at war the country should cut back on things. They instead launched spending well beyond common decency. They & the administration took no tough stands on saving people's money--the prescription drug bill, getting beat at every turn on NCLB, spending on contractors in Iraq, and throw in a measure of corruption and here we are. I cannot really argue with people about not trusting Republicans with our economy, they failed us the last 8 years.
--I also expect the Dems to start failing us on the economy almost immediately upon taking control. I think taxes will go up and job creation will go down. I expect tariffs and other protective measures will be taken to secure union jobs throughout the country and the cost of our money.
--I expect Obama will have a very very hard time trying to reign in Pelosi and Reid. Pelosi & Reid are very experienced politicians with many more experienced politicians behind them--Obama will have trouble with them.
--I wonder how quickly our troops will be removed from Iraq. If left up to Obama I would expect it to be a couple years. I don't think the Dem party though will accept that and would want a much quicker timetable. This will be an early fight where Obama might have to reach across the aisle for support from the remenants of Republicans left.
--Biden doesn't scare me. I have talked to some people who have a real dislike for him and were even more scared of him than Palin. Now I wasn't scared of Palin at all, I am actually more of a fan, but I think you still get the drift.
--What does the Republican party do now? When the party cannot even run candidates for state Rep & Senate elections here in MO, you can see the party was hurting. These local politicians are the ones that become the future stars of the party after cutting their teeth in elections. This wasn't as big a deal this election season because any Republican was going to get knocked around bad but going forward this would have to change.
--The point above this makes me wonder if I should try to get involved in the County Republicans. I haven't been very impressed when I have seen them on TV or read about them in news articles though. I guess it kind of is "don't complain if you are not working to change it" kind of applies.
--How long before John Paul Stevens announces that he is retiring from the Supreme Court & how many others follow him. Stevens was a Nixon appointee during the Watergate time so I can kind of understand why he ended up more Dem or liberal than what Nixon would have liked. I just wish and will probably pray that whomever is nominated to replace him becomes the Dems Souter/turncoat justice. The conservatives have been bitten by this too many times, it is time for this to happen to the libs.
--The above point was of course much to do about Pro-Life and also the genocide of happening with Down Syndrome babies. I hope that Sarah Palin & Trig are able to stay in the news and help to reverse this genocide that is going on.
--One area that I hope actually gets some kind of plan pushed through is healthcare. This has been an election issue for too long, it is time for something to get done with it one way or the other already. It is one that I think the Republicans were wrong on it that some kind of government assistance to healthcare beyond Medicare/Medicaid is needed. I think our businesses have lost some of the competitive edge against business in foreign countries where the state is providing healthcare. While I am certainly against universal healthcare, I think there has to be something done to get the uninsured, insured. I don't know if Romney's plan would work or not but I just want this solved.
Well, time to go back to the TV & see what updates have occurred.