Thursday, January 14, 2010

2007 Eleven and Other American Comedies--#5 finished

This is a short skit type book. Some funny parts but mostly forgettable to me. I did not hate it but really didn't care for it either. The skits were about 3 to 4 pages long so even if you didn't like one it was easy enough to just read and get through. Oh well not every book I read is going to be good and enjoyable, there almost has to be some duds and this is one of them.

I had already posted it on PBS, I think there are 2 copies ahead of it. I really am not expecting it to move very fast but that is okay too, I like that it is something a little different sitting on my bookshelf.

Still working on The Religion, it is really been a struggle to keep at it though. I am only 239 pages in, with over 600 pages in the book, that is a long way to go still. I also just started reading Unless. I am just 30 some pages in so not really sure what I got with it but characters are setting up and seems to be somewhat interesting so far. Might start a 3rd or maybe wait a couple days and force myself to read more of The Religion for a while.

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