Monday, November 25, 2013

St. Louis Hustle--#59 finished

This is another book in a series by a local author, Claire Applewhite.  It is an alright series, kind of fun to read about a series going on in your local area.  Nothing too great though, almost seems to try too hard to work in places around town & it kind of messes with the flow.  Also characters, well I am having a hard time figuring out what to say about the characters--maybe I guess I just don't believe in them, no real development--just kind of splashed out there & there they are.  That probably doesn't make much sense though.  While pointing out these to me shortcomings, I did enjoy this book.  It was a quick read and the action kept moving throughout.  Also couldn't piece everything together till almost the end either so in parts kept you guessing.

The copy I read was a library copy, I had it on PBS WL but didn't seem like it was ever going to make it so found it at the library instead.  I have the 3rd in the series already so will probably read it at some point soon.  I am reading Winslow in Love and the 1413 words book--really a slow read so far.  Also that short story book and I have started another one Elmore Leonard book maybe, can't remember it right off hand either.

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