Saturday, July 29, 2017

Faith and Betrayal--#39 finished

The author researched a long ago relative that was very well to do in England in the 1850s that decided to leave England behind and join the Mormans in Utah.  The book talked about the missionaries that converted people in Europe and the trip they had to take to get to America and then to get to Council Bluffs, IA before starting off on the Morman trail.  Because Jean Rio was well to do she was able to avoid some hardships--like able to buy additional oxen or cattle when they died.  But the book does a very good job explaining those hardships all around.  Jean traveled with her children and extended family, her husband had died the year before the trip.  Once getting to Utah though things were not as she expected either.  The book discusses much of what was going on with Brigham Young, the plural marriages, that women only able to attain heaven by being attached to a husband, having to give most of her material items she brought with her to the Mormans and being only given a rough house.  Much of this book came from a diary Jean Rio wrote about the travels but once in Utah the diary ends, the author speculates that because of the Morman problems that Jean didn't want to put anything in writing.  Eventually two of her sons leave & move to California but a son & daughter stay.  Jean does leave to California once transcontinental train opens and by then there was more freedom of movement.  A very good read about the people and the time.

I have posted this on PBS, there were 2 WL for it.

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