Thursday, January 23, 2020

A Girl Called Vincent--#7 finished

The rest of the title is: The Life of Poet Edna St Vincent Millay.  She was born in 1892 and died in 1950 and in between was a major poet in the US.  I should say at least according to this book, I have to admit I had not heard of her before reading this book.  Her mom gave her St Vincent as a middle name because her brother had just recovered from some illness or something at a St Vincent hospital and decided that so even though Edna was her first name Vincent is who she really became known as.    She was lively & often outspoken, she seemed to challenge the norms of the day from as a pre-teen when she started writing poems and basically taking care of her younger sisters growing up.  She became an embodiment of the 1920s with her work and early feminist and also spent time in Paris like so many other artist types then.  This was an interesting read and a very interesting person and writer.  I will try to track down some of her books as well--just went on PBS & ordered one.

There is 1 WL for this book and I will post this & try to mail off right away.

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