Thursday, January 23, 2020

Beautiful Eyes--#6 finished

This is a book by a dad of a daughter with Down Syndrome & the rest of the title is A Father Transformed.  He is a doctor & his wife was a nurse and that fact their daughter Sarah had Down Syndrome was a surprise for them.  He goes through his thoughts and feelings on this & also a lot of the history of how Down Syndrome was first figured out in the 1800s and then the genetic components with the chromosomes and finding that out.  It was fun hearing about his daughter growing up & seeing similarities with my son.  He towards the end of the book has realized he now sees just his daughter for who she is and not so much her disability.  I enjoyed the book, was an honest look at his daughter and his family.

There are 11 WL for this book on PBS so I will probably mail off at some point.  Could also donate out to others, not really sure yet.

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