An older book, published in 1980 but the adventure was in 1977 I think. Author Robyn Davidson is a younger lady that decides she wants to take camels from Alice Springs Australia to the western coast--to the ocean, through basically the desert there. She first has to go to Alice Springs and learn about camels, how to train & ride them and everything else to even think about the trip. She is also basically broke, living on her part-time work in a local bar and with a farm there. She really gets to the heart of the time and issue of the Aboriginal people & their relationship with the white people in Australia. I remember from when Olympics were there these issues were raised about the past and how still a struggle, this book really brought it out. Also I wasn't even aware there were camels in Australia but I guess not native, they were brought there from Afghanistan & India by the British as working animals and then basically released into the wild. After two years learning about camels she has this knowledge but no money to make the trip happen, she meets a photographer that has her send in to National Geographic and they sponsor her trip--she has the money to buy camels & supplies but she is conflicted because she wanted to do this on her own. She does a really good job explaining the trip & the difficulties she has to endure and people she meets on the way as well. It just seemed though once she got to a point, the details ended and the last 3rd of trip was wrapped up in like the 10-15 pages--not really sure why so abrupt at the end. Still an interesting read about this adventure and time in Australia.
There was 1 WL for this book & I posted it & it is accepted. I will be mailing it off later this week with the Stephen King book and at least one other one request from my bookshelf on PBS.