Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Candy Freak--#33 finished

 The author is a candy freak, says he eats candy every day but with a high metabolism so no weight problem for him.  He talks about his history with candy & then branches out into looking into scarce or regional candy bars/manufacturers.  He travels to the different companies and tastes tests the candy & tours the factory.  At times funny and interesting and other times is just kind of slogging along.  I was hooked because he talked about Twin Bings--a candy bar made in Sioux City, IA and that I grew up on in NE.  For years could not find in St Louis but there is now one gas station that carries it.  Buckys and it is close to me so I go a few times a year to get my fix.  Buckys is in Omaha and I think they try to keep this store like those and for that reason the Twin Bings are there.  I am guessing at some point they won't be and I will be sad but for now still there.

I have posted it on PBS & it is the only copy in system so hope it gets request at some point.

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