Monday, January 2, 2023

The Wars of Heaven--#2 finished

This is a short story book, I had taken it along when went out of town over Christmas and started it then after finishing a book there.  This is published in 1990 so the stories are from the 1980s I guess.  The short stories then just don't seem to appeal to me much--sort of weird and abstract.  A couple of them here were good including the novella at the end--The Love of a Good Woman but overall just okay.  It is a short book and mostly a quick read.  I finished this on the 1st during afternoon.

I have posted it on PBS & is only paperback copy and there is a WL for the hardback copy but so far not being requested.  Maybe it moves but short story books don't seem to move much.  I did order it from PBS so I guess some do move--ha ha.

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