Monday, December 27, 2010

Into the Great Wide Open--#86 finished

A book about teenage angst. Two troubled teenagers with screwed up home lives meet and become boyfriend/girlfriend. Relationship really becomes a dependency for both of them to get away from their homes. Relationship basically ends with girl becoming pregnant and while leaving everything with boy suffers a miscarriage. This gives her a way out something he doesn't want but he has no real means to support or lead a normal life at this point. A good story and the writer did an excellent job of getting into the teenage mind.

I have another book by the same author that I have been wanting to read but wanted to read this one first. This was his first novel so I kind of wanted to see what it was like and to then do a little comparison later after finishing Everything, his new novel.

I have posted it on PBS, there is 1 copy ahead of it. No real idea when it will move could be a few weeks or a year but I am expecting it to move at some point. Still reading They Went That-A-Way, a book about how famous people died. I have also started The Jaguar Smile but it has been several days since I read any of it and have only gotten 13 pages into it. I am not sure if I will be continuing it or not right now. I will also be looking to start another book too.

I am guessing I will finish They Went... before the end of the year and an outside change Jaguar Smile could get finished also if I stick with it. That would give me 87 or 88 books--not too bad.

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