Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Eye of God--#7 finished

The next in line of James Rollins books, the Sigma Series.  Pretty good series and he tries to tie them in with a this could be possible happening.  The this could happen in this book is a comet carrying black matter is returning to earth for first time since Genghis Kahn's time when a crucifix was made for St Thomas that had a piece of black matter.  A race to find Genghis Kahn's tomb to avert this disaster.  Just hard to believe all of these hidden tombs and clues all get discovered and follow to next within days--when it has been thousands of years they have been hidden.  I have a hard time buying it.  Throw in some evil North Koreans and some crazy Kahn worshipers to slow things down, but don't really just make more action and there is the book.  A good page turner but overall kind of a weak premise.  Oh well, good enough book that I will look to keep up on series.

PBS has big changes happening, they are going to start charging a yearly membership fee.  I am pretty sure I will pay for some kind of level at least for the next year & see how it goes.  My WL has been moving very very slow, so not sure it is worth it but think I will give a year to see how it goes.  I might trade some of my credits for a membership but have a few days yet to figure this out.  If still on PBS I will probably be posting this book since I think it had like 14 WL for it.

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