Monday, March 30, 2020

Children of the Flames--#25 finished

The rest of the title is Dr. Josef Mengele and the Untold Story of the Twins of Auschwitz.  A tough book to read, the cruelty of the Nazis and especially Dr Mengele is just shocking.  How he was at the trains when they came in & he would literally decide who would live & who would be sent to the gas chamber and then crematorium.  This book touched on that but also the focus was on how twins were pulled out & sent to a separate area where he would do experiments on them.  Many died but this book tracked down some of the living and their stories are in the book along with the research they did on Mengele.  Also Mengele was able to avoid being arrested and lived in South America until he died in the 1980s is also just shocking.  In today's world with the internet and information at finger tips you can't see how this would happen but then I remember the US & allies searching for years for Bin Laden.

There are 7 or 8 WL for the book so I will get it posted & mailed off at some point.

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