Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Killer Angels--#19 finished

The 2nd in a series sort of, father wrote this book and then years later son wrote one before & after this, so a sort of series to me.  This is about the Civil War and this book is focused on Gettysburg.  Good reading in that it tries to take you into the mindset of mostly the Confederate Generals and also some officers in the Union.  Really helps the reader understand that war is awful and especially the Civil War where tactics were not up to par with the technology changes.  Throw in the fact that basically the generals were making blind decisions--they were never sure what the strength of the army against them really was--a lot more guesswork than I am sure any of them would like, this just shows how rough the Civil War really was.  I am interested in Gettysburg and I would like to do a tour of Civil War battlefields--only seen Shiloh and a couple smaller ones in MO so far but I have not studied these in depth as I know many people have.  Still an key time in our country and shows how close it was to our country being at least broken in two and maybe more pieces--talk about changing the history of the world for our times.

This is an old beaten up mass market paperback, not in any shape to be mailed off & since I have liked the series I was going to keep it anyway.

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