Sunday, May 17, 2020

Immunity--#43 finished

I bought this book a few months ago from a library sale, the corona virus was probably then mostly in news for China at the time and had no idea it would morph into today.  This book starts off with a deadly virus that changed the world and forced relocation camps and government forced everything.  A former rich socialite is given the chance to have health coverage and earn some money which she needed but she had to get a procedure done--an implant that was supposed to keep the virus away.  The book is very much about the haves vs the have nots.  It started with that basic premise and seemed promising but then sort of switched to a super rich behind the scenes guy pulling the strings and going psychotic.  Oh well I am not a writer so probably shouldn't criticize but I would have preferred a different kind of change midway through this.  Still sort of entertaining but left me with a what could it have been feeling too.

There are 6 WL for this book on PBS so like others will get it mailed off at some point.

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