Saturday, May 2, 2020

Route 66 Lost & Found--#37 finished

This & the next book are actually April read books but just getting around to logging them in now.  This is probably more of a coffee table book--bigger size hardback & lots of photos.  The photos are for businesses & towns along Route 66 back when built or heydays and then what it looks like today. Motels, cafe/small gas station and main streets are the main subjects.  An interesting read about Route 66.  It cuts through St Louis so I have heard a bunch about it at least from around this region but haven't really paid a lot of attention to it other than the basic knowledge.  This book gave some interesting insights into it & good to see what was still there, at least when the book published 16 years ago--I have a feeling many places have changed more and probably not for the better.

There are 6 WL for this book and while it is a larger size, I will probably post & mail off, I don't really have a reason for keeping it.  St Louis was hardly mentioned or written about in the book so no really local interest reason for keeping it.

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