Saturday, May 2, 2020

Outliers--#39 finished

The author Malcolm Gladwell looks at success and delves a little deeper to see some of the random and not so random things that happened to help people to their success.  He starts by looking at rosters of ice hockey teams in Canada and sees that a Jan 1 cutoff date seems to give older by months kids a head start over kids born later in the year--a few months difference and they get selected on the better teams and better coaches and they succeed while kids born later in the year have a much harder time of getting those selections.  Also looks at Bill Gates and another computer guy that were both born and seemed to fall into the perfect time where they could access a computer and spend that 10,000 hours on it giving them a benefit/headstart over other computer people--he does still credit them for being very smart but also getting some breaks.  It goes on with other examples with the super rich of the 1800s and NY lawyers of the '70s & '80s, Chinese advantages to math & learning.  A very interesting read that makes you think about your life and how your kids were brought up.

There are no copies right now on PBS so I will probably go ahead and post it, I expect it should move hopefully sometime soon.  Also this is the first finished book in May.

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