Sunday, September 1, 2013

Blood Line--#42 finished

This was the next in the James Rollins series of Sigma Force.  It was okay to good and at points very good.  Just too much out there stuff.  At the end of the book, he lists sources or where he comes up with some of the ideas for the story--I like this even if some just still seems a little out there.  It is a good action and page turner type book.  Characters seem a little forced and just hard to buy into them as well, but overall a good read.

I won't be posting it on PBS, this was an ex-library book that would be pushing the limits of posting on PBS.  Has some fingerprint type stains, tear on one page & some pages that don't appear water stained but are crooked or crinkly like they might have been.  All that means I will be donating it somewhere else instead of mailing off through PBS.

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