Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tennis anyone?

Rose & I got back out there and played some tennis tonight. We were probably only out there around 45 minutes. We didn't mess around with just knocking it over the net as much as we did last time. This time we had the court which also has a large piece of plywood on the fence, so we hit it on that and played kind of off that. Rose had fun but probably struggled more tonight than the other time, that happens when just learning no big deal. There was another group playing on the court also and we talked to the wife of the person coaching some kids there. She even gave us some of their worn out balls, she said it would be easier for us just learning to use these since they won't be as fast and bounce as much. That was pretty good since I hadn't gotten anywhere to buy anymore. We now have 6 real balls and our one pink and green ball.

I died trying to run Monday night and was too frustrated to continue. I did mostly a walk of half a mile. Tuesday I was back out there and did a very slow 2 miles, somewhere around 13:15 a mile. While they were slow I wasn't in pain in my chest. I guess I am just badly out of shape along with being a little stuffed up so I can't breath all that well. I still want to get some breath rite strips and see if they help at all. I know some situps and pushups would probably also help, but so far I haven't been able to talk myself into those.

Reading mostly Lord of the Rings right now. I like it so far but it is not a quick read by any stretch for me at least. I am re-reading paragraphs and just in general reading the book slow right now. I have also picked up Ten Thousand Lovers by Edeet Ravel and read a couple of pages. I am not far enough to say I have really started it though so a change could still happen.

Our Pope is in the US now. A couple of thoughts about this. First, I read where he had a cousin growing up who was close to his age that also had Down Syndrome. The Nazis came to the cousin's house and took him away to be institutionalized and the cousin died there. What I read didn't say how he died, but certainly murder is a possibility with the Nazis and their desire for their perfect race. This is a sad story and I would also hope a wakeup call to people. Respect for life is not just an abortion issue because once life is devalued in the womb it will carry over to life outside the womb as well.

Second, is some of what is going on here in St. Louis with our Archbishop Burke and the ongoing fight with the Polish parish/former parish St Stans--I don't know how to spell the full name so forgive me for using a shortened version. Archbishop Burke issued an official statement refusing to recognize Cannon Lawyer Doyle for reasons he didn't basically follow through on paperwork on representing the 2 new board members and also not meeting with A Burke. From what I can tell it sounds like Doyle was already representing the other members of the board in their appeal to the Vatican and this sounds like just a technical reason to further punish St Stans. There were a couple of powerful quotes from Doyle in the Post-Dispatch against A Burke. Sorry for the long background, but now what I was thinking about this is, Why doesn't the Vatican act on this appeal for once and for all and get this issue resolved at least from the standpoint of what the Vatican says. I am wondering if it is because the Vatican is realizing that while A Burke might be correct in Cannon Law, he is embarassing and receiving plenty of bad press in his handling of this issue. Could it also be that the Vatican is planning a reorganization type thing, since this is not even close to the only issue A Burke has received plenty of negative press for.

Oh well, I think I have a little time yet for some reading still so good night.

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