Sunday, July 6, 2008

Golf today

I went golfing today also. I think I went once earlier back in March so it had been a while. It really showed. I made a few good shots but for the most part just an okay round. Way to many 3 puts and couldn't hit a fairway wood worth a damn all day. It was only 9 holes on a really easy course so my 51 is pretty ugly. Of course I am also not that good either. I am usually around a 45 or so, only 6 shots off, but only 9 holes also.

I am doing a double post today in case you haven't noticed. In the past I would tack a title on and take a little about that & then throw something on at the end on something completely different. I am thinking it just makes more sense to make it a separate entry. Not that anyone is reading this or will be going back and reading anything I have typed previously, but mostly for my own sanity in case there is something I want to check back on.

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