Sunday, May 10, 2009

Runs 2 days in a row

Yesterday was the run in the rain, today it was just a run.  I did 5 miles and it was good.  I averaged overall at 11:57, so very happy with the time.  The last mile was by far the slowest at around 13:40, but that included my only water stop and had a good sized hill toward the end.  The next slowest mile was right at 12 minutes, so 4 miles at 12 or faster is very good for me.  Those speed days over the lunch time run is really helping me run a faster pace.  Of course it could also be the fact that I am getting in shape as well.  This morning I checked and saw that I was down nearly 8 pounds since that biggest loser thing at work started, 3 or 4 weeks ago.  With Sunday being Mother's Day I am almost certain there will be no run for me then, that is alright though since I should be able to get a PSR run in on Monday.

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