Saturday, August 14, 2010

Lush Life--#50 finished

Wow, hit 50 books read, that is a lot or at least it seems so for me. Lush Life is one of those books that I have had on my bookshelf to read for over a year. I actually had found a couple other copies and had mailed them out also. Last summer it got a little press because it was one of the books President Obama had taken to read on a vacation--I think it was the Hawaii vacation.

Well, I finally got around to reading it and it was a slow start on it. It was a murder in a section of New York City and the subsequent investigation. The police screwed up the investigation by focusing on the wrong person early on & the book followed the investigation as well as how it changed that wrong person's life. Overall a pretty good book and story. The general characters are kind of sad in that it doesn't seem like anyone is really happy & I don't think any of them were happy before the murder either. I don't know if it is New York thing or what but certainly doesn't encourage anyone to move there.

It still has 80 some people requesting this book so I will probably be mailing it off in the next week or so.

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