Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Shadows Still Remain--#54 finished

This is one of the books that I picked up at the thrift store on Saturday. A detective mystery story in New York. The book itself looks new and only cost 80 cents and was published in 2009 so I figured it was cheap and could even be on some WL. Even if not on the WL, it still might be a good read. Well it is a very good read, I was very impressed with the book. I am really liked it even with a kind of overplayed cliche of rouge cop. It was a fast paced with many twists but still easy to follow. I would highly recommend this book.

I also think it is kind of fun to compare it with Lush Life that I also just read. Lush Life seemed to ask more of the why did things happen in a psychological way rather than just looking at the investigation. Also Lush Life involved the reader in the detective, the criminals and the victims survivors, while Shadows Still Remain was simply from the point of view of the detective following the investigation. I would say that I enjoyed Shadows Still Remain more than Lush Life but do have to credit Lush Life for a more complex novel.

Well Shadows Still Remain is not on the WL but there were 5 copies on the system when I bought it Saturday and when I put it on Monday there were 3, my copy becoming number 4. It looks like this book is moving so maybe I will be mailing it off soon or might be a couple months but I expect it to move.

Still reading The Other Queen, this one is taking a while. I am on page 218 so night quite halfway through. I am also reading Boot Tracks but only 41 pages into it even though I started it a day or two before Shadows. I also just started Blue Nude tonight, read the prologue only so far. Not sure if I will do a 4th book yet & maybe keep it downstairs or maybe just stick with 3 for now.

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