Saturday, August 28, 2010


Well, I didn't run Friday but instead we went to the local high school football game & our team won. Ritenour beat Vianney, pretty good game altogether, especially for first game of the season. Ritenour seemed to wear them down as the game went on controlling the line of scrimmage. Oldest kid was spending the night at a cousin's house, but other two seemed to have fun although it was a long night for them.

Today, did a bunch of stuff, but did get a 3 mile run in late in the day around 5pm. It was hot out still and I really struggled. Just glad to have gotten it in.

Tomorrow is auction night for our fantasy football league. I have probably done less research than ever before for it but oh well. It is a start over year so everyone is in play, there are no resigned players. It should be an interesting auction but probably also a very long one too.

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