Saturday, February 7, 2009

October Men -- #9 finished

I finished up October Men earlier today--number 9 as far as my books read this year goes.  It is a good read.  It is mainly focused on the 1978 Yankees and Reggie Jackson and all of the other key players & of course Billy Martin and George Steinbrenner.  It does jump back some and cover some history of the Yankees as well as the writers covering them.  Kahn was/is a real insider in his years of covering baseball in that he has developed relationships with the players, owners, front office people, media people and anyone else left out.  A good read. I enjoyed it and I am not a Yankees fan.  Although I should mention the 1977 & 1978 World Series were probably the first that I remember following so those Yankee teams do provide some good memories for me.  

My brother Alan was a Yankee fan and my other brother Bruce was a Dodger fan--although he wasn't as much of a fan of baseball it seems and myself and Alan were.  In basketball, I was the 76ers fan, Alan the Lakers and Bruce the Celtics.  In football I was the Dolphins fan, Alan the Raiders and Bruce the Steelers.  Growing up in NE you were pretty much free to pick whatever favorite you wanted--no hometown pull.

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