Thursday, October 21, 2010


Missed a few days here so let me do some quick catching up. Tuesday was VB practice & I went for a run. It was a little chilly and I forgot my Garmin so I only did 3.0 miles or somewhere close to that. It took 39 minutes so a little slow or a little more than 3.0 but either way okay.

Wednesday I fell asleep watching the Giants Phillies game, Giants won late or extra innings, not sure. Did get some reading in as well, mostly on Hell's Gate.

Tonight was VB practice again, but instead of running I helped out. Just watched a few minutes of Hurt Locker and then found a future showing to record. I think it won a best picture so should probably see it from the beginning. Now a little catch up on the internet and then read some before calling it a night.

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