Friday, October 1, 2010

31 for 31

This is the 4th annual 31 for 31, which means 31 blog posts this month(hopefully once a day) in recognition of Down Syndrome awareness. This will be my 3rd year that I have participated. I know I didn't post for 31 days but I think I hit 31 by doing some multiple postings to catch up. I will try to do the one a day but am almost certain that I will probably miss some days.

Thomas & me went to the Cardinals game tonight, they won 3-0. It was a fun night, we sat and watched most of the game, only getting up a couple of times--once for a hot dog & then later moved seats to bleachers & got ice cream. We took the Metrolink train there & back--Thomas loves riding this. All in all a very good night. The Buddy Walk is tomorrow but we are not going to be there this year. Rose has a morning volleyball game & like last year there is a huge subdivision garage sale that my wife & her sisters are hitting early in the morning. I kind of feel bad that we are not doing the Buddy Walk but I don't think Thomas will really miss it. I had originally thought Debbie & I would go to the game but Debbie didn't want to so I wanted to take Thomas to kind of makeup for missing the Buddy Walk. Probably more my guilt about it than anything, I don't think Thomas really remembers the Buddy Walk too much. Now bowling with Pujols he mentions and looking for Fredbird he mentions but walking on the field almost never.

Well one day done, will see what tomorrow brings.

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