Friday, October 16, 2009

The Infidelity Pact--#62 finished

Not a very exciting book. Just another kind of chic-lit romance lite book that is really just not that good. It has some good parts and some kind of funny parts and maybe a twist or two but overall just not that good. I won't, but I would guess if I look back on the others: Chasing Harry Winston, The Spy with the Silver Lining, The Au Pairs and there was probably another one in there somewhere, I probably typed about the same things. Story is so so, characters are so so or less, it was almost to the point where I wished the worst on each of them and everyone else involved in the story. Nothing really great here at all.

It is still on something like 24 WL at PBS so I will be posting it and mailing it off in the coming days, which is always a good thing. Still working at the other 2, The Lace Reader and the T. Boone Pickens book. I will be getting a 3rd book started but no idea at this point which one.

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