Saturday, October 25, 2008


Finally getting around to typing something up.  It was mostly a day of reading I guess now that I think back on it.  Debbie went to some garage sales in the morning--so I read.  Then I took Thomas & Rose out to a store & park while Debbie and Angie napped.  Then grocery shopping with Thomas.  Make supper, a pasta & chicken thing with a white sauce--not too bad but kids didn't really eat it either.  Read more during baseball game then.

I am under 100 pages to go on McCain's Faith of our Fathers.  I have also started Survival in Auschwitz by Primo Levi.  This is a book from a class I had back in college.  I think I basically scanned it in college and then read it a year or two after college.  Certainly time for a re-read.  Today I also just started my new Willa Cather book Alexander's Bridge--only a few pages in.  That takes me to read current books being read.  Should have McCain's book finished before the election, that is kind of my goal.

Thomas was really cranky today.  He just was focused on wanting Baby Einstein.  All day long he was asking for it and building up to screaming about it.  It was his first day on his new medicine, I hope his crankiness is not from that.  Hope tomorrow is much better.

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