Friday, October 10, 2008


I am kind of tired so this will be short tonight.  If it wasn't for committing to do 31 for 21 I would probably be asleep right now.  I actually was asleep missing the 9th inning of the Rays & Red Sox game and just woke up a couple of minutes ago on the couch.  I remember I needed to post today so here I am.

Rose had a VB game tonight so right after getting home from work, it was back out the door.  I went early with Rose & Thomas so Rose could warm up.  Thomas played on the court for a while before the other team got there.  He played nice but I am worried that he will now expect to play some every time we go to the gym.  He doesn't like being told "no" when their is a ball or playing involved.

Rose & her whole time played very well.  The other team was just overmatched, only 5 players showed up.  Thomas did a good job of watching for the first couple of sets but by the end was just tired of sitting and then he proceeded to wear me out also.  After a walk around outside he wasn't really ready to sit either.  He was tired though.  After we got home and I ate supper & him a snack it was only a couple of books later & he was asleep.  Speaking of sleep, I am going there now.

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