Friday, October 17, 2008


We caught a spider tonight crawling on our Elmo chair in our basement.  At first I thought it could be a Brown Recluse, but after checking several websites and staring at the spider long enough, I am guessing it is either a Common House Spider or a Barn Funnel Weaver.  

It is probably in the 2 to 3 inch range with legs included, Brown Recluse is supposed to be around 3/8 inch.  It looks like from underneath the body is one color while where the legs attach it is a different color. Brown Recluse is supposed to be one color underneath.  Finally the spinnerets on the back make it seem more like the Barn Funnel Weaver than the brown recluse.

I am not sure yet if I will release it out in the yard somewhere or flush it.  Right now leaning to releasing, but maybe not in my yard--might look for a park instead.  Of course we have plenty of crickets in our basement, I should probably release it back there and let it go to work cleaning up my cricket problem.

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