A good story about a hard luck teenager. His mom ran out of his & his dad's life when he was young. His dad raised him but unfortunately his dad passed away months before he graduated. Once he graduated the uncle he was living with through him out with basically nothing. He decides to go to the small town MN where he last heard his mother was living. She is no longer there but he decides to stay there and continue looking for her. He is going to college in the fall but not much else going on for him and he is basically broke. From here he meets up with small town people that have terrible drug problems. He does track down his mom but that is a disappointment was well.
An interesting read but just questions that came up while reading it--did his dad have any life insurance or estate--seems unusual that uncle would throw him out penniless. Uncle didn't like him because he had long hair & appears effeminate--finds out later is gay but wasn't sure in high school--again sort of strange here. He does get his hair cut later when found his mom--I guess as a way to maybe fit in with her life ??--again strange that his long hair seemed to be causing troubles with people around him but gives in quick to getting cut. All of the drug problems in this small town--sheriff is part of the story but must be a terrible sheriff to not be able to figure a few of these things out. A small town restaurant that is bringing in good cash from catering--everyone could guess/see this was drug money, why couldn't anyone in the book see this.
I am taking a lot of shots here but still not a bad story, just wonder what it would have been like if some of those things answered or addressed in any way.
There were no copies on PBS so I posted it and it got requested right away, reason typing this up right after finishing. I will get it mailed off this week.