--I read 81 books this year. This is my best year by far, 2008 had the title at 30 before this year. I am not expecting 80 something to happen again in 2010, but who knows at this point. Right now I am thinking 50 to 60 a more likely goal.
--PBS or PaperBack Swap has to get a lot of credit for my stepped up reading. I found lots of books at library sales that people wanted, but I tried to read many of them before mailing them off.
--Goodsearch.com is probably my 2nd favorite website that influenced what I did in 2009. I picked a local charity and forced myself to get to at least $2.00 a month for them. Then I switched to other small charities around here or in NE. It was kind of fun & I expect to continue this in 2010.
--Running. I ran 2 5ks in 2009, well one 5k and one informal 3.3 mile run. I also kept up running throughout the year with a decent amount of consistency considering I didn't really train for anything. I would like to do a longer race in 2010 but I have been saying that the last couple of years and just haven't gotten it done yet too.
--Weight loss. Other than the biggest loser contest at work last spring, I really didn't focus on losing weight this year. In 2010, I hope this changes. I would like to drop some pounds and keep them off. I would like to get from around 170 to instead around 160 or even lower. I know that means stop eating all the junk and 2nd helpings that I do so this will be tough.
--Facebook? I am not on facebook but am considering getting on it. Debbie is on it and have talked to several friends that are also on it. I can see this happening in 2010 also.
I am sure there are other things but this should about do it. Have a good New Year.